

Uplistsikhe is an ancient cave town situated near the town of Gori in central Georgia. Dating back to the Early Iron Age, Uplistsikhe is one of the oldest urban settlements in Georgia and the Caucasus region, with evidence of habitation dating as far back as the 6th century BC. The town was strategically built on a rocky plateau along the Mtkvari River, providing natural defense and advantageous positioning for trade routes passing through the region.

Uplistsikhe flourished as a major cultural, religious, and political center during ancient times, reaching its peak between the 6th century BC and the 10th century AD. The town features numerous rock-cut structures, including dwellings, streets, temples, a theater, a pharmacy, and even a pagan temple dedicated to the sun goddess. The site also showcases intricate rock carvings, frescoes, and other architectural elements that offer insights into the daily life, beliefs, and social organization of its inhabitants across different historical periods. Today, Uplistsikhe stands as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from around the world to explore its fascinating history and remarkable architectural remains.