Tapi Fortress


Gevorg Marzpetuni Fortress, also known simply as Tapi Fortress, is a historic stronghold nestled in the rugged landscapes of Armenia, standing as a testament to the region's rich military and cultural heritage. Perched atop a strategic hill, this fortress has played a crucial role in defending the land and shaping its history for centuries.

Originally constructed by the Marzpetuni noble family during ancient times, Gevorg Marzpetuni Fortress boasts impressive defensive walls, watchtowers, and architectural features that reflect the ingenuity and craftsmanship of its builders. Throughout its history, the fortress has witnessed numerous conflicts and conquests, bearing witness to the ebb and flow of power in the region.

Today, Gevorg Marzpetuni Fortress stands as a captivating archaeological site and a popular destination for history enthusiasts and travelers eager to explore Armenia's past. As visitors wander through its ancient corridors and climb its weathered battlements, they are transported back in time, gaining insight into the lives of the people who once inhabited this remarkable stronghold.