

Agarak is a town in the southern part of Armenia, situated in the Syunik Province. This region is known for its diverse landscapes, ranging from mountains to fertile valleys. Agarak is strategically located near the border with Iran and serves as a transportation hub connecting the two countries.

One notable feature in Agarak is the Agarak Copper-Molybdenum Combine, an industrial complex that plays a significant role in Armenia's mining and metallurgical sector. The town's economy is closely tied to the activities of this combine, which extracts and processes copper and molybdenum ores. The mining industry has been a key contributor to the local economy, providing employment opportunities for the residents of Agarak and surrounding areas.

While Agarak is primarily known for its industrial activities, the surrounding natural landscapes offer opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. The Syunik region, in general, is characterized by its scenic beauty, featuring mountains, gorges, and historic sites. Travelers passing through Agarak can explore the broader Syunik Province and discover the rich cultural and natural heritage that the region has to offer.

The most requested tour in which the place is included